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This section is going to introduce you to the basic terms that are used in the Linkster App and demonstrates its basic navigation.

Partner Programs: Every specifically connected website usually makes up one partner program. You can switch through partner programs in the top right corner of the Linkster app. Partner programs can have different currencies and contain campaigns and dashboards. Only the Influencer Rolodex reaches across all the partner programs you might have in place.

Occurrence: An occurrence is a mention of a brand in an Instagram Story or Post.


Cooperations: A cooperation refers to one posting an influencer makes. That means a cooperation usually has a specific date, a content type (Instagram Story, Post, ...) and an influencer who is instructed to do that posting.

Influencer Rolodex: The Influencer Rolodex is your very own influencer database in Linkster. You can add influencers at will, save contact details or add notes and experiences. You can also find all their content; see which campaigns they have been part of and review their performance across these campaigns. All people in your team who possess a Linkster account can access all influencers across all partner programs.